Edward Thompson: The Texas Hill Country

15 years ago photographer Edward Thompson created a body of photographic work on The Texas Hill Country. He's now trying to make a book.

The Story

Fifteen years ago, I photographed in the Texas Hill Country. As a young photographer and cinephile something about America called to me, it was like being able to fly into the movies. Everything became cinematic, everything seemed meaningful, like it was conveying some important narrative that I would never know.”

The key to understanding America lies not in New York or in Washington, but in the hinterland, in the interior of this vast land. Nowhere is this truer than the lone star State of Texas, homeland of Bush's America. The surreal cast of characters and locations Ed has discovered on his odyssey offer a unique perspective on America's relationship to itself and to the rest of the planet. 

— Professor Paul Lowe, 2008. London College of Communication.

The Book

“Fifteen years later the work still resonates. One of my talents as a photographer is creating photographs with a sense of timelessness, even in 2007 many of the photographs already looked like they were from another time. If you saw my last book In-A-Gadda-Da-England I think you’ll really love this one too. It’s going to be printed the same way and the same size. It will be the second in a series of books from my archive. They are going to sit very nicely on your bookshelf.”

The work was all made on medium format colour negative film, shot on the Bronica SQ-A.

You can back Edward’s beautiful project here on Kickstarter and hopefully this amazing book will come to life.


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